Sunday, June 21, 2009


Share your ENFj-ISTj duality experiences here.


  1. I am an ENFJ female and when I was little my mother and father worked all day and I used to spend my time with my grandmother (an ISTJ type). She was very calm and quiet and give me a lot of love taking care of me, following a schedule with my meals, taking care of my clothes and asking about my homework. I used to spend my spare time with her resting my head on her lap or just watching TV beside her. She would always talk to me with sweetness and have a great time with my bursts of creativity and talks, she helped me a lot to learn how to schedule my time. Once I grew up I wanted to find a person as her as my romantic partner and always get very interested in that kind of connection.

  2. aww, how cute lol. I believe that my mom is also an ISTJ but a Se subtype. She's very demanding or respect, tidiness, time management, and efficiency. Although these traits are all nice, it doesn't work well with some ENFJ's. Not particularly all of them but maybe that's just me. According to Socion, I am a Fe-EIE. Meaning that I'm constrained with emotional expression because i know how my Fe affect others. Therefore i suppress all my emotions. It's hard really, both my parents are Introverted Thinkers thus they're both bad at Fe (which i crave deeply). As a young man, this need of love isn't filled by my means*.

    Feeding me, and assisting me with projects is good once in a while but "what's in it for me?". The same mom that i had over the past 17 years, no change, same life, same talk, same ways of teaching. Just bores me you know? I look for change everyday, ways that i can improve myself, ways i can contribute to make this world a less horrid place.

    I think that around the months before 2011 started, i was starting to sugar coat everything. "Everything is fine", everyone is friendly ya*". It seemed like i was just trying to keep the peace...I was shortsighted. Being nice to everyone and giving my all for others meant nothing to me after wards because all i got was shit back. I got nothing back and it worn me out. That's what my mom is like, she can't give anything special to me. I learned mostly from my parents all of my hardened thoughts & philosophy. It's great i say, I wish one day i would never have to deal with my mom again.

    I have a strong hunch that she isn't one of those too* well developed individuals or it could also possibly be the clashing of different cultures. I don't know, but either way my mom could have been better. Linear thinking does always get you into trouble at one point or another.

    Now then, in terms of other ISTJ's i have met 1 recently and i know of another girl that's like that. They're fake, so fake. I don't want to sugar coat this either but all they like to do is use msn all the time. You act this way* on msn but you never really come talk to me face-to-face? What're your intentions? Are you trying to justify yourself by saying you suck at Fe? Well sure but they always leave me hanging either way. Never tell me they hate me nor if they're fond of me. Plain bullshit.

    Not that I'm bashing on ISTJ's, i have only seen the well less developed ones (Unfortunately). I am however pleased to hear that there is a loving ISTJ grandmother out there for you.

    Tip for you, don't go frolicking around with high schoolers. Chances are they aren't even mature yet and don't care what you care about the most*. Go to university and pick up someone, which i think you probably are and maybe done it i guess. Learn more and get to know more people. ISTJ's will come to you in a flash. Or maybe like a wall or something (who knows :D )

    My rotten 2 cents

  3. It sounds a lot to me that maybe your mom wasn't an ISTJ but an ISFJ. Those 2 types can be masked as one another and if you're really having so much conflict with your mom, then you may want to reconsider her type. It's rather hard especially trying to type someone with an unfamiliar culture. ISFJ and ENFJ relationships are illusionary so therefore it would probably fit best with your current situation. Good luck. ISTJ's are more awesome than ISFJ :)

  4. You seem like an IEE - not an EIE
